Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) of Humidity Control Chamber

 Standard Operating Procedure – Humidity Control Chamber

Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) of  Humidity Control Chamber


To provide a procedure for the operation of Humidity Control Chamber.






The digital temperature controller display for ambient temperature. process value (PV) as

  • Set the desired temperature on Temperature Controller by pressing knob point of the dial.
  • Set the desired humidity on Humidity Controller by pressing knob point of the dial.
  • The Set temperature / humidity can be varied to any point within the full range of 10 to 60 °C of temperature and 45 to 95 %.
  • Compressor should be kept continuously ON while setting the temperature below ambient but it should be “OFF” for temperatures above ambient.
  • Set Time period by using ON/OFF Timer.
  • Open the R.O. Water valve for water filling the reservoir. The Humidity Chamber is ready to use once the desired temperature and Humidity is achieved.
  • Put “OFF” the Humidity Chamber whenever not required for a longer period.


  • Do not give a shock to the Humidity Control Chamber.
  • Do not connect anything other than the specified equipment to the connector on the rear side of the Humidity Control Chamber.
REFERENCES: Instrument Manual

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