Determination of Moisture Content in Textile Material

Moisture Content

Moisture Content in Textile


  •  Drying oven (at 105°C ±3°C)
  •  Weighing balance
  •  Weighing bottle



  • Condition the sample to moisture equilibrium in standard atmosphere temperature 27±2 o C and HR 65± 2 %.for 24 hour.
  • Take  the test specimen weigh 3 g accurately in clean and dry tared weighing bottle.
  • Place the weighing bottle containing the test specimen in drying oven.
  • Dry the specimen at 105°C ± 3°C to constant mass.


            Moisture content, ( % ) =  ( A – B ) *100 / A


  • A – Original mass in g of test specimen and
  • B – Oven dry mass in g for test specimen

REFFERENCE    :    IS 199: 1989

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