Determination of Ash Content of Textile

Ash Content of Textile


Ash Content of Textile


  • Drying oven – 105° C
  • Weighing Balance
  • Silica Crucible- 40ml
  • Muffle Furnace- 750° C
  • Desiccators


  • Dry the silica Crucible for half an hour at 105° C. cool for about 20 min in Desiccators and weight them (B).
  • Weight 1 gm of sample(A). Keep sample in silica crucible.
  •  Place the silica with sample in muffle furnace at 750° c for 1 h. cool in desiccators and weight them ( C).


Ash content (%) = ( C – B) * 100 / A


  • A  – Mass of sample
  • B  – Oven dry-mass of silica crucible
  • C  – Oven dry-mass of silica crucible with residue

REFERANCE: – IS 199-1989

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